Why choose Jaaims
We analyse a single stock in 73 seconds with real-time data every 15 minutes. How long does it take you?
Using artificial intelligence, we analyse millions of pieces of data daily, using over 250 different data points to derive our stock recommendations.
You have complete control. You can customise Jaaims to invest where and how you like, scale up or down your investment funds at any time and cash out in minutes with your trusted broker.
Saving you time and money
“Meet Tom”Fee comparison data was obtained from moneysmart.gov.au. Financial advisor ongoing fees was calculated at 0.75% of the initial investment amount and fixed fee’s were calculated from the Moneysmart recommendations. Hedge Fund management fee was calculated at 1% of initial investment and a performance fee of 15%. Jaaims fees were calculated using our Professional subscription on an annual basis and does not include broker fees. Fees shown are indicative amounts only and will vary. Fees are also likely to be higher if you need a broader scope of advice.
Costs are important when you invest as they will impact what returns end up in your pocket. It is also important to consider the different features of personal advice or investment products to make sure you get what you pay for. We have considered this in our resources article ‘The Cost of Investing, what are the options for getting help with my investments?’, you can view it here.
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