AI-powered stock portfolios
Trade Australian and international stocks using market leading artificial intelligence (AI) technology through a range of specially developed portfolios that automate the investing process.
Our Strategy
Our AI-driven technology rapidly analyses multiple data points, turbocharging the traditional fundamental investing strategy. By leveraging advanced algorithms, we identify undervalued stocks in trending sectors with strong market sentiment. Our technology optimises entry and exit points to maximise returns.
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Start investing using AI today
Unrivalled insights
Jaaims provides AI-driven market insights, promotes ethical investing by rating companies based on ESG performance, and offers mobile access to comprehensive fundamental data for informed decision-making.
Mitigating risks
Our technology was built to mitigate risk and risk management continues to be at the core of our technology. We have developed a series of risk mitigation strategies to ensure all investments remain secure under our purview.
Why Jaaims is different
Jaaims holds positions for 5-60 days, averaging 15-30 days, focusing on longer-term trends.
Jaaims uses AI and machine learning to constantly learn and adapt, staying ahead of others who may exploit static day trading strategies.
Jaaims focuses on larger, high-volume companies for better risk management and access to abundant data.
Customise your portfolio by excluding stocks you dislike and trading only in companies you trust.
Getting started is easy
1. Create a Jaaims account
2. Connect with our helpful team
3. Connect a Broker
4. Start investing
Simple, monthly plans
Our plans are tailored to the amount you want to invest with our technology. We don’t charge management or performance fees, just a monthly subscription fee to utilise our technology with no locked in contracts. Do you want to invest more than $250,000? Contact our team and we will tailor a solution to your fund needs.
Want to know more?
Leave your details below and we will get in contact with you to answer any questions you have. If you leave your address, we will post an investor pack out to you. (Australian addresses only)