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Jaaims launches Feed the World portfolio

One of the hottest online queries right now is ‘Why are food prices rising?’ It’s an issue investors need to take note of – and one that Jaaims has responded to.

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In the News

Money Magazine: How inflation can be an investor’s friend

Interest rates are rising, and inflation is sitting at 5.1% – the highest it’s been for many years. It’s a cue for investors to change tack.

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In the News

Money Magazine: Why are we so risk averse when it comes to technology?

People are often wary of embracing technology as a means of investing. Is it an accessibility issue or are we less adventurous than we think?

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Market Updates

Cryptocurrencies – opportunities await

The correction we are currently seeing in cryptocurrencies is highly reminiscent of the dot-com bubble – and that spells opportunities for investors.

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In the News

Money Magazine: Has the impact of immigration been overlooked?

Jaaims CEO and Founder, Tui Eruera, says that when “When immigration hits full tilt, it has the potential to drive both shares and property values higher.”

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Market Updates

Long term opportunities in an inflationary world

Let’s talk about sand. Yes, sand. Not the stuff we use to make castles on the beach. But rather, sand that is a basic building block of construction.

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